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Functional Capacity Evaluations

Functional Capacity Evaluations With PT Solutions

When an employee is set to return to work after an injury, employers and insurers both need to be certain the worker is actually ready. Returning too soon could pose a safety risk to themselves and others. A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) helps determine if the employee is ready and capable of returning to work.

Whether requested by an insurance provider, attorney, or an employer directly, PT Solutions can provide an FCE to help assess an employee’s safe working ability. Our physical therapists use their knowledge and expertise in the musculoskeletal system to guide the employee through a series of tests and activities to help determine if an employee can return to work and in what capacity.

Functional Capacity Evaluations

What Does A Functional Capacity Evaluation Include?

An FCE is always tailored to an employee’s specific injury or job duties. The testing will measure physical strength, intolerances related to posture, balance, range of motion, level of fatigue, and more. The exams performed are used to evaluate their abilities in key areas, such as:

  • Ability to carry objects
  • Stamina
  • Physical strength
  • Ability to lift objects
  • Flexibility
  • Range of motion
  • Other abilities required for a given job