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Does Physical Therapy Work for Sciatica?

Does Physical Therapy Work for Sciatica?

October 30, 2021
Sciatica pain can be brutal and it can sideline you without warning for days or weeks. If you are searching for long-lasting relief from sciatica pain, you may have wondered if you should seek the expertise of a physical therapist....
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How to Relieve Hip Pain While Sleeping

How to Relieve Hip Pain While Sleeping

October 20, 2021
People who have chronic pain tend to have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep. Pain and discomfort can distract you from falling asleep or keep you from falling into a deep sleep, as every little movement causes a...
Learn more about How to Relieve Hip Pain While Sleeping
Should You Use Ice for Pain or Injuries?

Should You Use Ice for Pain or Injuries?

October 14, 2021
RICE — rest, ice, compress, elevate — and the updated PRICE — add protection to the beginning — are part of traditional injury management 101. They should be abandoned. Research doesn’t provide much support for this approach. Most studies show the addition of RICE does not enhance outcomes....
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How Do I Know if My Child has a Concussion?

How Do I Know if My Child has a Concussion?

October 14, 2021
Learn more about How Do I Know if My Child has a Concussion?
What Causes Throwing Injuries In Baseball Players?

What Causes Throwing Injuries In Baseball Players?

October 14, 2021
As we near the MBL playoffs, you will be hard-pressed to find a healthy arm in any team clubhouse. The season is rigorous and bodies breakdown. Young pitchers throw shorter starts with longer breaks in-between. Others are rehabilitating on the...
Learn more about What Causes Throwing Injuries In Baseball Players?
A Physical Therapy Guide for Iliotibial Band Syndrome

A Physical Therapy Guide for Iliotibial Band Syndrome

October 10, 2021
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a very common leg injury brought on by overuse, making it very prevalent among athletes who play endurance sports. Up to 12 percent of running injuries and 24 percent of cycling injuries can be attributed...
Learn more about A Physical Therapy Guide for Iliotibial Band Syndrome
What Is Occupational Therapy for Kids?

What Is Occupational Therapy for Kids?

September 30, 2021
Occupational therapy is a form of treatment commonly recommended in children. When it’s your child, it’s natural to wonder what treatment is, how it will affect your child, and if it is safe. Pediatric occupational therapy is a rich field...
Learn more about What Is Occupational Therapy for Kids?
Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis?

Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis?

September 30, 2021
Physical therapy is designed to help keep you moving safely and effectively, and it is a powerful form of treatment for a range of conditions, including some forms of arthritis. While there is no cure for the inflammation in the...
Learn more about Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis?
Fighting Concussions with Team Up Speak Up

Fighting Concussions with Team Up Speak Up

September 24, 2021
“Should I keep playing or take myself out of the game?” This is the question a player may find themselves asking in the middle of the game. It is asked while their head feels as if it is actively splitting,...
Learn more about Fighting Concussions with Team Up Speak Up