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The Art of the Clinical Debate

Punching People in the Face with Facts Doesn’t Work Allow me to paint a picture of a typical clinical debate. After spending hours the previous weekend thoroughly reviewing the literature on the best approach for managing high ankle sprains, you...

How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

I cringe every time I hear the phrase “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” and fortunately, that reaction is becoming more common. Over the past 5–10 years, sleep has been getting a lot more attention. While we may, for the most...

Reversibility principle: How true is “use it or lose it” in patient care?

It is highly likely you have heard these words at some point in your life. While the statement typically concerns exercise and activity, on occasion, it is in reference to mental processes as well. The saying refers to the reversibility...

How can physical therapists effectively develop a prognosis?

Building a plan of care (POC) and developing a prognosis are tricky endeavors. It is a combination of art and science that necessitates a clinician to consider a variety of factors that contribute to the patient’s presentation and their goals....

Stop Focusing On The Negatives: Risks And Impairments Are Only Part Of The Patient Assessment

If you have ever tried out for a sports team or a role in a play, you have been thoroughly assessed. The coaches will notice your strengths (quick, powerful right leg, good vision of the field) and weaknesses (poor endurance,...

How to Read Research: A Guide Allowing Anyone to Better Understand Scientific Writing

“Just because we can detect an effect does not mean it matters” – The Power of Mathematical Thinking by Jordan Elleburg   In a recent post, I challenged you to become a Credible Hulk. You may be asking yourself how...

How Physical Therapy Can Benefit Patients with Anxiety & Depression

Physical therapy can have a monumental impact on a person’s life. Often these benefits on in the physical realm, such as strength, power, endurance, hypertrophy, balance, mobility, and functional capacity. While many cognitive and emotional benefits have been recognized as...

Is a Placebo Effect Good or Bad?

Understanding the influence of placebo and nocebo in clinical practice   Ok, so this one is a little longer than previous posts. If you need a minute to freshen your coffee or grab a snack, I completely understand. This topic...

What Influences Patient Satisfaction More – Actions or Words?

Patient expectations change and clinicians need to keep up “Taking uncertainty into account can enhance a physicians therapeutic effectiveness because it demonstrates his honesty, his willingness to be more engaged with his patients, his commitment to the reality of th...