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What if I don’t like to Exercise?

Building a personalized and enjoyable approach to physical activity Do you enjoy exercise? If you do, great, you can skip to the physical therapy section. If you don’t, stick around for a couple of minutes. Motivation, interest, and enthusiasm are...

What Causes Running Injuries?

News flash, runners injure themselves frequently. Making matters worse, they don’t stop running. One study following 161 runners preparing for either a half or full marathon found 9 out of 10 runners reported illness or a running-related injury leading up...

Can we prevent injuries?

“Don’t lift with your back rounded or you will hurt yourself!” I cannot begin to estimate the number of times I told a patient to avoid rounding their low back or flexing their lumbar spine the first few years of...

Decreasing Muscle Soreness After Exercise

Delayed onset muscle soreness – more commonly known as DOMS – is the prototypical soreness experienced after exercise. Have you ever been told “no pain, no gain?” This statement is simply untrue. You don’t need to experience pain during or...

The Art of the Clinical Debate

Punching People in the Face with Facts Doesn’t Work Allow me to paint a picture of a typical clinical debate. After spending hours the previous weekend thoroughly reviewing the literature on the best approach for managing high ankle sprains, you...

Building Muscle in Old Age

Recent research shows elderly and very elderly individuals can successfully build muscle with proper exercise. Building muscle is for more than preparing for beach season or making a medium size t-shirt look like a smedium. Building muscle provides a foundation...

How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

I cringe every time I hear the phrase “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” and fortunately, that reaction is becoming more common. Over the past 5–10 years, sleep has been getting a lot more attention. While we may, for the most...

What is prehabilitation and why is it important?

Your surgery is scheduled, and you are eager to get it over with. You have been instructed on the post-operative process, including the need for rehabilitation. Your surgeon explains that following the surgery, you will need physical therapy to restore...

Reversibility principle: How true is “use it or lose it” in patient care?

It is highly likely you have heard these words at some point in your life. While the statement typically concerns exercise and activity, on occasion, it is in reference to mental processes as well. The saying refers to the reversibility...