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PT Solutions

Understanding Lower Back Pain to Find Relief

Understanding Lower Back Pain to Find Relief

August 28, 2021
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common conditions treated by health care professionals in the United States. Up to 70% of people will develop LBP in their lifetime and 5-10% of these cases will develop into chronic...
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What Are the Best Exercises for Low Back Pain?

What Are the Best Exercises for Low Back Pain?

May 27, 2021
Lower back pain is something that many people deal with every day. If you’ve ever wondered which exercises are beneficial for relieving low back pain, the answer might surprise you. Any exercise can make a significant impact. Research shows that doing...
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Physical Therapy is in Tiger Woods’ future. Can it save his golf career?

Physical Therapy is in Tiger Woods’ future. Can it save his golf career?

March 10, 2021
  Eight years ago, golf fans were not pondering whether Tiger Woods would break Jack Nicklaus’ hallowed record for most majors won, they were debating when it would happen. Debates continue to this day, although the question has changed. Now...
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Physical Therapy Reinvigorates Endurance Athlete’s Career

Physical Therapy Reinvigorates Endurance Athlete’s Career

February 12, 2021
As a devoted endurance athlete, Don Ramon of Acworth, GA has seen his fair share of bumps and bruises during rides and races. Several years ago, he took his biggest hit, literally, when he was struck by a car while...
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People Are Not Cars: We Do Not Breakdown, We Adapt

People Are Not Cars: We Do Not Breakdown, We Adapt

January 14, 2021
Analogies are wonderful tools for expressing ideas and explaining otherwise complex information. They are common in healthcare as clinicians often used them to explain a diagnosis or treatment. While analogies can simplify information and build understanding, they can also create...
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Return to Sport: What To Expect after an Injury

Return to Sport: What To Expect after an Injury

December 17, 2020
When is it appropriate to return to the field after an injury? Millions of dollars ride on this question in the world of professional sports. Unfortunately, we often observe professional athletes and believe we can replicate the standards they set....
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We Need to Restore the Lost Art of the Clinical Examination

We Need to Restore the Lost Art of the Clinical Examination

December 3, 2020
Eliminating Wasteful Exams and Focusing on the Patient’s Needs Over the past several decades, healthcare providers have relied more on clinical special tests, laboratory tests, and imaging. Here’s the problem. Those tests don’t translate into better outcomes for patients. The...
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You Are Not Defined By Your MRI Results

You Are Not Defined By Your MRI Results

November 17, 2020
Our Bodies Are Resilient, Not Broken If you have ever received an MRI that showed herniation, degeneration, bone spurs, calcification, or a host of other concerning terms let me assure you that you are NOT broken. While the MRI is...
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How Do We Prevent Injuries?

How Do We Prevent Injuries?

November 10, 2020
Assessing return to sport and injury prevention models There is one surefire way to prevent sports injuries: don’t participate in sports. As that is an unsatisfactory solution for nearly every athlete, we need to look elsewhere.   Thus far, I...
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